5 Friday Favorites – Fantastic Fathers Edition

5 Friday Favorites – Fantastic Fathers Edition

Happy Friday, everyone! It’s nice to be back celebrating my favorite day of the week.

With Father’s Day only two days away, this week we’ll be honoring those people in our lives who have played a fatherly role, whether they be our biological fathers or not. I know I was happy being Daddy’s Little Tomboy growing up, but role models come in lots of forms, from mentors to step-fathers to single mothers.

Often times, we get so distracted by all the multitasking and things we do in life that we fail to take the time to really connect on an important day like Father’s Day. We pick a gift and card and check the item off our To-Do list. Instead (or in addition), I propose this year we really take the time to thank them and show appreciation for all they’ve done with one or more of these five meaningful ways to express our gratitude:

  1. Do something for him. This could be as simple as making him breakfast (or taking him to brunch if you don’t cook) or mowing the lawn for him, or it could be something he’s been asking of you for awhile and you just haven’t gotten around to.
  2. Do something he loves with him. What are his favorite things to do? Perhaps he’d like to go fishing or to a baseball game, or maybe he’s like my dad and loves to karaoke. Whatever it is, don’t stress too much. It’s as much about the time spent together as it is about the activity.
  3. Write him a letter. If you live too far away to do either of the above, consider writing him a heartfelt letter expressing just what having him around has meant for you in your life.
  4. Make him something. If you’re better with your hands than you are with your words, perhaps making him a meaningful gift is more your speed. Using your own unique talents to craft something special will make it that much more wonderful.
  5. Give him a call. The most important thing when reaching across the miles is to take the time and let him know you’re thinking about him. Settle in and find out how he’s doing.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, and for all the father figures out there, Happy Father’s Day!

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