5 Friday Favorites – Fabulous Female Edition

5 Friday Favorites – Fabulous Female Edition

Happy Friday, everyone! In honor of my favorite day of the week, I’m starting a new feature called 5 Friday Favorites. Some days, like today, that feature will have its own theme, and other times it will just be a collection of my favorite discoveries of the week or things I am thankful for. This week, the theme only seemed fitting: 5 Fabulous Females! So, without further ado, I present them to you:


  1. Wonder Woman – so many amazing things about this movie. For starters, it’s about time, right?!? I was born in the late 70s, so I don’t remember the series when it originally aired, but I absolutely remember watching the reruns faithfully in the 80s and wearing that ridiculous plastic costume with the creepy mask. The return of Wonder Woman was long overdue, but so many nuances were beautifully done in supporting the theme of what a woman could accomplish if she’d never experienced gender bias and always been pushed to realize her fullest potential and believe in herself. Within that, congratulations to Gal Gadot in portraying the role of Wonder Woman and to Patty Jenkins in directing it.
  2. Robin Wright – It’s been said already, but I will say it again. Robin Wright in the role of General Antiope is just too perfect for words. The Princess Bride was one of my favorite movies growing up, as it was for many girls in my generation. Even in the role of Princess Buttercup, Wright portrayed a strong will and stubborn refusal to be controlled by any man against her wishes until she no longer could. Now, we see her Phoenician rise to the role of General and teacher of Diana. She wears her strength, age, scars and wisdom as testimony to what she has accomplished to get there and as proof that we can all do the same.
  3. Elizabeth Gilbert – After buying it several months ago, I finally picked up Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear to read this week, and let me tell you, it sucked me right in. Despite spending most of the week focusing on growing this blog, I’m more than halfway through it. My favorite quote so far? “I also want to live the most vividly decorated temporary life that I can. I don’t just mean physically; I mean emotionally, spiritually, intellectually. I don’t want to be afraid of bright colors, or new sounds, or big love, or risky decisions, or strange experiences, or weird endeavors, or sudden changes, or even failure.” Sounds like the life I have imagined! I can’t wait to finish it.
  4. Caitlin Moran – I’m a little ashamed to admit that on Monday I finished reading my first book of the year. It only took 6 months! That book was Caitlin Moran’s How to Be a Woman, a Christmas gift from one of my best girlfriends. What I liked best about this book was that it was so funny and relatable. I may not always have agreed with her assessment, but Moran writes about the many things women have to endure or feel pressured to endure with blatant honesty and humor. Often times, I found myself nodding in agreement as I read, which probably looked a little silly from the outside, but it was well worth it.
  5. Mothers/Wives Everywhere – To the true lifesavers! This morning I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. Last night as we went to bed, my husband informed me he needed to borrow one of our beverage dispensers for work as his department was throwing a luau for the rest of the company. Of the 6 beverage dispensers we own, we decided the 2-gallon aqua dispenser was the best option for the theme and number of people. Just as he was about to walk out the door, dispenser in hand, he said he felt bad that the dispenser was his only contribution. My response? “Give me a minute.” And within that minute I pulled out a package of aqua solo cups, aqua and white gingham napkins, two LED paper lanterns with pink flamingos printed on them, a pack of flamingo swizzle sticks, a pack of foil-flamingo printed paper straws, and a pack of pineapple printed paper straws. You just never know what I might come up with at a moment’s notice! After he left, I jumped onto Facebook to see pics from a friend who pulled together a monster costume for her son that morning after he told her it was monster day at school. How many times did I pull something like this on my mom growing up? Too many! Thank goodness for women who think fast on their feet!


I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, and if you haven’t seen Wonder Woman yet, I highly recommend it!



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