Vacation and Rejuvenation

Vacation and Rejuvenation

Late this afternoon, my husband and I got back from 5 days of relaxing and rejuvenating with friends. It’s an annual trip up in the woods of Maine, and for many of us, it’s a tech-free trip, total unplugging because we don’t get cell service.

It felt wonderful to camp, splash around or canoe in the water, play games, sit around the fire, enjoy meals together, and more. It also made me feel a little bit guilty. Since starting this blog in earnest, I’ve come to realize just how much goes into blogging, particularly the behind-the-scenes stuff, and I felt bad that I left Thursday morning with Friday’s post scheduled to publish, but nothing for today. I felt bad that I couldn’t promote it, or share tweets or photos on IG or FB. 


Vacation and Rejuvenation - Camping and Canoeing on the Saco River from The Life You Have Imagined


But I also recognize the importance of just letting it all go to relax and enjoy the simple things. Here is just a smattering of highlights from the trip and all the fun we had together.

We were visited by lots of nature friends, from chipmunks to woodpeckers (and a fair share of mosquitos), but my favorite was the butterfly that danced around the circle of the daytime campfire we shared before landing for a moment.


Vacation and Rejuvenation - Friendly visit from a butterfly. Photo by Rachael Mocek at
Photo by Rachael Mocek at


It sprinkled on and off the first two days, but the sun treated us to a rainbow, too.


Rainbow over the Saco. Photo by Rachael Mocek at
Photo by Rachael Mocek at


The weather got better for the last 3 days, but the best thing about this trip, aside from the company, was the location. Our campsite was right along the water’s edge of a pristine, clear, sandy river in Brownfield, Maine.


Brownfield Bridge over the Saco River. Photo by Rachael Mocek at
Brownfield Bridge over the Saco River. Photo by Rachael Mocek at


Saturday’s float down the river was a blast, as always. It included some fishing…



and rope swinging…



Sunday was the nicest day, weather-wise, and the guys worked together to get this monster inflated and anchored in the river so we could all enjoy it.


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And enjoy it, we did!


The life you have imagined is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


Now another trip is in the books, and we already can’t wait for next year!


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