Let’s Go to Camp! 10 Great Camps for Adults

Let’s Go to Camp! 10 Great Camps for Adults

It’s early April, with Spring having just sprung, and the temperatures slowly starting to warm up (at least here in New England). With my mind on the warmer days ahead, I finally picked up the phone and booked my site for an annual friends camping trip in June. It’s one of two trips my husband and I enjoy every year, this one being more local, with another canoeing and camping trip up to Maine in July. And it got me thinking. What is it about camping that we love so much?

Growing up, camping was a big part of my childhood. I enjoyed Girl Scout camp and 6th Grade camp, as well as family camping. There was always some sense of adventure that went with it, whether it was being away from the parents for a week, trying new things, being out in nature, or making friends with the kids around the campground. Going away to camp seemed like a staple of the childhood experience, one that many of us try to recreate in some way.

Luckily for us, camp doesn’t have to just be a memory. These days, there are lots of ways for adults to participate in camp, even for someone who doesn’t like the outdoors.

Here are 10 types of adult camps you can attend to fulfill your passions or explore your interests:

1. Summer Camp – Looking for a more general camp experience with an adult twist? You won’t have to look far. Summer camp for adults is extremely popular right now and can be found in most states with a simple online search. Campers can sign up as a group or in singles. Packages at some camps, like Camp No Counselors, include alcohol for anyone looking to let loose, while camps like Camp Grounded have a no-tech policy for unplugging.

2. Space Camp – Maybe, like me, you watched the movie as a kid and always wanted to go. Now, as an adult, you can! Book your 3-day, 2-night adventure in Huntsville, Alabama, where you can train like an astronaut in actual simulators.

3. Band Camp – You know the line, “This one time, in band camp…” Now you, too, can have your own band camp adventures as an adult. You can even choose between the more traditional choral music, concert band, and chamber music route at Interlochen in Michigan or rocking out at Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy Camp with big name musicians as your teachers.

4. Acting Camp – If outer space and music aren’t quite your thing, there are still lots of fantasy camp options out there, including acting camp. If you’ve ever felt the desire to be famous or to stand up under the lights, these camps might be for you. The only question is, are you more Hollywood or Broadway?

5. Food and Wine Camp – Do you love to cook or have an interest in wine? You’re not alone. Thankfully, there are several options, including some big name players. You can take classes through the prestigious Culinary Institute of America (CIA), or go to Wine Camp at local vineyards on the East or West Coast.

6. Adventure Camps – Perhaps you consider yourself to be an adrenaline junky or you appreciate the excitement that comes with experiencing life in a different country and culture. Adventure can come in many forms. There’s even Zombie Survival Camp in preparation for the impending apocalypse!

7. Yoga Camp – On the other side of the spectrum, some people are looking for calm and mindfulness to get away. If life has you feeling stressed and you just need to find your zen, yoga camps through Soul Camp and Wanderlust might be just what you need to find your inner balance.

8. Horse Camp – Does the life of the Old West appeal to you? Do you find yourself fondly remembering the City Slickers movies and wishing you could get away on a ranching adventure of your own? Then perhaps the cowboy or cowgirl life is for you. Check here for a list of camps and ranches to find the one that best suits your Country/Western fantasy.

9. Writing Camp – If you love to write, chances are you do a lot of it on your own. But the writing life does not have to be a solitary one. In addition to formal classes through BFA and MFA degree programs, there are opportunities to attend intensive camps and retreats for writers, including the one at Stonybrook University. If you’re looking for a more cost effective opportunity or prefer to write in the comfort of your own home or coffee shop, consider checking out Camp NaNoWriMo. In addition to facilitating National Novel Writing Month in November, they have smaller writing camps in April and July.

10. Bootcamp – Finally, if fitness is your passion or you just want to get into better shape, there are lots of opportunities to join a fitness bootcamp at a gym near you. Don’t have the money or desire to sign a contract? Click here to have bootcamp delivered to you or here  to create your own fitness bootcamp at home.

With so many options available today, there is a camp opportunity out there for everyone. Don’t let your kids be the only ones who get to enjoy it this summer!


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