
The Ultimate Guide to a Girlfriend Slumber Party

The Ultimate Guide to a Girlfriend Slumber Party

Remember the days of junior high and high school? There was always some cute guy to gossip about, a scary movie to be watched, a few rounds of truth or dare to be played. Slumber parties became an outlet for girls to get together and form life-long bonds of friendship and sometimes conspiracy, depending on the truths revealed and dares performed. They were light-hearted, fun and fraught with teenage angst and excitement. Then, we moved on to college, and, if we were lucky enough to get along with our roommates, almost any night could turn into a slumber party. Gossip, movies and truth or dare often survived the transition to college, too, only to be joined by alcohol-infused confessions during “I Never” and maybe a boy or two. Sadly, college…
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Let’s Go to Camp! 10 Great Camps for Adults

Let’s Go to Camp! 10 Great Camps for Adults

It’s early April, with Spring having just sprung, and the temperatures slowly starting to warm up (at least here in New England). With my mind on the warmer days ahead, I finally picked up the phone and booked my site for an annual friends camping trip in June. It’s one of two trips my husband and I enjoy every year, this one being more local, with another canoeing and camping trip up to Maine in July. And it got me thinking. What is it about camping that we love so much? Growing up, camping was a big part of my childhood. I enjoyed Girl Scout camp and 6th Grade camp, as well as family camping. There was always some sense of adventure that went with it, whether it was being away…
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How to Celebrate National Poetry Month

How to Celebrate National Poetry Month

It's April 1st, one of my favorite days of the year, and that's no April Fool's joke. I love this day because on my Facebook and Twitter feeds I see an explosion of one of my favorite things - poetry. If you read my blog on World Poetry Day, you know this already, and I don't want to bore you. What I DO want to do is to encourage you to take this opportunity to expand your horizons a bit and add a little joy and beauty to your life in the form of poetry. The key here is to try it with an open mind. Here are 7 ways you can celebrate National Poetry Month. Whether you love it, hate it, write it, or teach it, there is something here…
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30 Days to the Life You Have Imagined

30 Days to the Life You Have Imagined

Many of us imagine a life full of doing things we are passionate about, following our dreams, having fun, being active, and enjoying every moment. Unfortunately, it’s not always as easy to translate those daydreams into reality. Our lives are full of distractions, obligations, technology, and other things that pull our attention away from living the life we imagine. Often times, it takes a serious plan to start turning those dreams into reality. We need to make it a habit to actively pursue our joys and passions, just as we do with other things that are beneficial for us. The good news is that once we start establishing the habit, it gets easier to keep up long term. I felt inspired to provide a jump-start toward a more fulfilling life…
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Today is Friday… my favorite day of the week, Friday! I feel like most people might pick Saturday as their favorite day, but no, not me. But I have to work on Fridays, some people might say. And sure, I’ve been there. But there’s a certain buzz about Fridays, a natural high from knowing that you’ve almost made it through the week, that feeling of freedom that sets in once you’ve put in your time and walk out the door into your weekend, and maybe you’ve got something fun planned for Friday night, and maybe you got to wear jeans to work that day, but there’s always the anticipation from knowing you still have two whole days off ahead of you. Talk about a natural high. It’s a lovely feeling,…
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So, you don’t like poetry?

So, you don’t like poetry?

Teaching, Writing
Next month, April, is National Poetry Month, but today is World Poetry Day. As someone who earned my MFA in Creative Writing with a concentration in poetry, this is one of my favorite times of the year. I LOVE poetry. Unfortunately, not everyone does. I see it on the faces of my Comp and Lit students when we move from the fiction section to the poetry section of class. There's often a fear or a nervousness in their eyes, an apprehension. It is my job to try and change that look, if not to one of adoration like I feel, at least to one of respect and hopefully a little understanding. What I want them to learn is this: Poetry is for everyone. As Pamela Spiro Wagner says in her poem…
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How to Plan an Epic Road Trip

How to Plan an Epic Road Trip

It’s nearly spring! The trees are budding, the days are getting longer, and the weather is warming up. For those of you stuck in snowy climates like me, we’re feeling the itch to get out of the house and our winter coats and into some sunshine and flip flops! Spring is also the perfect time to start thinking about a road trip. I have put in my fair share of miles, having crossed the country seven times and made numerous shorter trips in between. There is just something about rolling the windows down, turning the radio up, and experiencing some of the great things this country has to offer, not to mention the potential savings for larger groups or families. Whether your trip is about the ride or the destination,…
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“Go confidently!” – Thoreau

“Go confidently!” – Thoreau

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined!” - Thoreau I remember the first time I saw this quote. I was in grad school at San Diego State, working toward my Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. I lived with a band near the beach in North County. My boyfriend was the bass player. I wrote, studied, gave poetry readings, taught freshman composition, went to the beach, partied with the band, and worked with amazing organizations like Poetry International, the Border Voices Poetry Project, and California Poets in the Schools. Life was good. I was in my element. I felt like I could conquer the world. I bought the magnet from the museum shop at the mall and promptly put it on the…
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We Are Women – for My Mother and Other Amazing Women Out There

We Are Women – for My Mother and Other Amazing Women Out There

It's International Women's Day, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to launch this blog on a topic that has been in the forefront of my mind over the last several months - the amazing women in the world and specifically those in my life who have inspired, challenged, and nurtured me over the years. A perfect example is my mother, who is a nurse and nursing administrator by trade and who is the best person I know for advice, logic, and quick thinking in emergencies. I just want to say that I am proud of all the strong women out there, the mothers, pioneers, business owners, teachers, scientists, CEOs, leaders, students, volunteers, caregivers, soldiers, and so many more. I Am a Woman – after Anne Waldman You want me…
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